Better Together


 Today, we the owners of Sota Clothing, Northmade Co., Great Lakes Northern Outfitters, Borealis Wool Co., Hagen and Oats, Brand MN, Humble Apparel Co., Paddle North, SotaStick and Minnesota Awesome are excited to announce a coalition to raise money and lift up the small businesses of Lake Street.

We’re calling the campaign “Better Together MPLS.” We need your support to help restore hope in communities left heartbroken by recent unrest. Will you join us?

Visit 100% of donations go directly to rebuilding efforts. For every donation of $30 or more, we’re throwing in a Better Together t-shirt.

Proceeds will go into a recovery fund administered by Urban Ventures, a nonprofit anchored on Lake Street for 27 years. They are leading rebuilding efforts using a resident-driven, relationship-based approach. There are also opportunities to volunteer, donate goods, and take other forms of action.

Together is a people. Together is a place. Together is a community. Though hurt and heartbroken, still full of hope. We are proud to come together with small businesses across the Twin Cities to support Lake Street’s families and small businesses. 

To rebuild. To restore. To be together. Better Together.


Ryan Morgan
Owner, Humble Apparel Co.

Spencer Johnson
Founder, Sota Clothing

David Burke and Spencer Barrett
Founders, Great Lakes Northern Outfitters

Dan O’Brien
Owner, Paddle North

Matt Guertin
Founder, Borealis Wool Co.

Nikki Hollerich and Anna Hagen
Owners, Hagen and Oats

Mike Berg and Patrick Petersen
Owners, Brand MN

Landon and Sarah Johnson
Owners, SotaStick

Brian Nordin
Owner, Northmade Co. 

Mike Gordon
Owner, Minnesota Awesome